Are You a “Modern Quilter?”

Find one or start a chapter in your neighborhood!

Find one or start a chapter in your neighborhood!

The Modern Quilt Guild is a relatively new guild that is growing rapidly throughout the US.  Both online and in local chapters, The Modern Quilt Guild promises a fresh approach to the more traditional guilds and organizations.  According to the website, “modern quilting” simply means “…quilting in a style that seems ‘urgent and meaningful to us now’.”

The guild has asked members to write about what “modern quilting” means to them and link to the website in the comments section.  Take a look at some of the personal responses to the question, “What does “modern quilting” mean to me?”  You may discover you’re a modern quilter.  If so, find a local chapter on the right hand navigation.  If there’s not one in your community, start one today!

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