Meet Homemade Emily Jane!

Hey, I’m Emily!

I am a young quilter who is passionate about teaching people to quilt and sew. My journey with sewing began when I was in middle school making costumes for plays. My mom has been garment sewing my whole life and she volunteered me for that task. In high school while all my friends were taking AP Physics I took classes like “Fashion Design” and “Fabrics and Fibers”. These classes helped me learn many new techniques and art forms. When I was 16 my parents gave me my first sewing machine, and my life was drastically changed for the better.

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At 19 years old, my grandmother taught me how to quilt. I showed up at her house one day with some fabric and a photo from Pinterest and said “You can help me make this, right?!” Luckily she’s brilliant and we didn’t even need a pattern! The relationship that my grandmother and I built through quilting has inspired me to want to teach others. Because of this experience, one of my main goals is to build relationships and community through the art, and to help bridge the gap between generations.

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Now I’m 23, and about to finish my MBA (see I didn’t need silly physics class anyway). When I’m not quilting, I’m probably at my day job, house hunting, planning my wedding, or encouraging my golden retrievers to compete for my love. I’ve found that sewing every day helps me keep my sanity in a way no other action can do, and I’m lucky to have found my people who think the same way! My favorite work involves using bright, modern fabrics and I usually try to find shortcuts to traditional ways of doing things. I always try to share these tips and tricks whenever possible.

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Please check out my work on Instagram or my website.


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